"I'm pretty sure we can all agree that single handedly donning the task of obliterating poverty from this planet is impossible. If you study psychology, sociology, anthropology or economics for even a short time, you will find a history full of oppression and hierarchy. However, that is no reason to stop efforts dedicated to lifting other humans out of the depths of pain and suffering. We are just as human as anyone else. So, since we have been given so much (not only stuff and money, but our hands, feet, minds and hearts) - while masses are being exploited and living a life they did not ask for, nor do they deserve - we can change the patterns of history. This is a daring, bold, risky thing; but there is no better time than now. We don't know if we will have 'later'. I want to do something with these hands. Remember, 'alone you can go fast, but together you can go far.' We know that there is not just one answer that will solve this issue of poverty, rather a tapestry of many. And I'll say it now to get it out of the way, "we just need to love people." There. I said it. Though cliche it may be; it's true. Taking that a step further though: what else can we do IN LOVE to eradicate poverty? Change takes action. As a wise man once said, 'Be the change you wish to see in the world' (Ghandi). Bring hope. Bring love.
If you have a couple extra minutes today, look through these amazing pictures; paintings and poetry of heaven and earth by a young girl (starting at 4 years old!). It will take your breath away. This is a young lady who is living out her gifts and using her hands to glorify God, "because I cant stop myself", she says. I want to meet this remarkable girl one day. So, I dont challenge you to try to paint like her (because I think that's impossible for almost anyone), but I do challenge you (and me!) to live like her. What has God gifted you with? How are you using it? How can you use it better, to the point where all you can say is, "I just cant stop myself"? Take a look at what you are good at (make a list if you have to), name a theme for your talents (artist, numbers guy, advocate, etc.) and do one thing today (toward that theme) that scares you. Journal your experience so that you can remind your future self. Try it again tomorrow.
"Power of Prayer" by Akiane, age 10
(click picture to go straight to her gallery)
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
- Howard Thurman